How to access learning and keep track of your progress
Sign in to and go to ‘My learning’ to access all our learning and to view your learning record.
There you can see the learning you need to do, explore other learning you might be interested in, request to be assessed and keep track of your progress.
If you lead a team, you can also see your team’s learning records and create learning reports to check how your team is getting on.
Read the My learning digital tool guide to learn how to do this.
Who can support you with learning
If you’re joining Scouts for the first time or changing to a new team or role, your Team Leader or Lead Volunteer will help you understand what learning you need to do.
District and County / Area / Region Volunteering Development Teams are there to support all volunteers with their learning. They manage the learning offer locally and can answer any questions you might have. They can also support you to access our digital learning and help you find an alternative if you don’t have any access to the internet.
Volunteers with the Learning Assessor accreditation are responsible for crediting learning on
If you require any help or want to ask a question then please contact us!